March 29, 2010
Right now, I’m between big writing projects, and I’m feeling guilty because of it. It’s been two months since I finished my most recent long-form job, a graphic novel. I feel like I should have leaped ahead by now into the next novel project. Now, it’s true that I’ve hardly been fallow during these two months. I’ve written short stories, a comic book script, story pitches, novel queries, and more. I’ve published e-books, attended a workshop, and set up meetings for a trip to New York City at the end of April. So yes, I’ve gotten a lot done. I’ve taken important steps in my writing career. But still…that guilt keeps nagging at me. My goal for this year is to write three novels (and/or graphic novels). To reach that goal, I need to get my next book in motion pretty darn quickly. I know what it’s going to be; I just have to get the ball rolling. Then again, I do have more New York prep to attend to, and another short story to write, and a proposal to crank out, and and and…you get the picture. See you soon.