Super-Hero E-Book Reviewed

November 16, 2010

A review of my e-book, Forced Retirement, just hit the Superhero Novels website right here.  It’s a great review on a cool site, and I hope you’ll check it out.  I think it’s great that superhero literature has developed to the point where there’s an entire website dedicated to it.  The site’s creator, Eric Searleman, is ahead of the curve with this trend, and he’s doing a great job promoting the work of writers who are moving it forward.  Be sure to stop by his site and read the review right here.  My e-book, Forced Retirement, is all about what happens when the world’s mightiest superhero comes down with Alzheimer’s, and only his super-powered daughter can stop him.  You can check it out for a mere 99 cents for the Kindle at Amazon here or for many other formats at Smashwords right here.  It’s an action-packed tale with plenty of high emotion, and I think you’ll get a kick out of it.  See you soon!