Website Changes Continue

November 18, 2010

Well, I’ve gotten some more work done on the my new home page, and I like it so far.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  More changes on the way…but first, it’s time for a break.  Number one, I’ve got a writing assignment I need to complete ASAP.  And number two, I’m kind of burned out after all this website development work.  Even though I’m using WordPress to put the new site together, it’s still very time-intensive and often quite non- or counter-intuitive.  Maybe it just seems that way because I don’t work with WordPress on a regular basis…but man, it has not been a simple matter getting the new site up and running.  There are still a bunch of things I haven’t figured out yet.  It hasn’t been made easier by the fact that I’ve migrated my domain to a new host.  But hopefully, the worst is over.  Because the fiction writing beckons, and it’s time to start hitting those keys again.  Yee-haw!