“My Favorite Band” Update

November 21, 2010

My new novel, My Favorite Band Does Not Exist, is moving full steam ahead!  The book’s publication date, July 11, 2011, seems like a long way off, but there’s so much to be done between now and then that I’m sure it will be here before we know it.  My editor at Clarion Books is working with her team to put the finishing touches on the book.  Soon, Clarion will circulate ARCs (advance reader copies) to reviewers.  It’s really coming together, and I’m getting more excited every day.  Personally, I love the book, and I can’t wait to share it with readers.  The plot goes like this:

Fifteen-year-old genius Idea believes that he exists only in the pages of a novel written by a malevolent, omnipotent author…and that he will die in Chapter 64.   Meanwhile, twentysomething Reacher Mirage sings lead vocals for undercover rock band Youforia…a band that exists in Idea’s world only as an Internet hoax.  Then there’s beautiful and mysterious Eunice Truant, who links their destinies.  Blonde in one world, brunette in the other, Eunice throws Idea and Reacher together to conquer the problems that ruin their lives.  Eunice propels them on a breakneck tour of times past and alternate realities, from a rock opera to a 1940s big band to an asteroid in deep space to a world where everything they know is a novel being written.  Finally, Idea and Reacher plunge into the reality of Fireskull’s Revenant, the twisted epic fantasy novel they’ve both been reading.  Chapter 64 of that novel, in which Idea knows he will die, bears down on them like a speeding freight train on an unstoppable collision course.  Being trapped in a bad book can be a nightmare.  Just ask Idea Deity.

My Favorite Band Does Not Exist is a young adult urban fantasy, but I think adults will enjoy it, too.  So I hope you’ll keep your eyes peeled and pick up a copy or order one for your e-reader.  In fact, the book is now available for pre-order on Amazon right here, so please check it out.  The countdown till the publication date is in the right column of this very home page.  The cover looks like this: