The Bob Index – Sunday, Feb. 27

February 27, 2011

Here it is, the end of February 2011, so where do we stand?  I’m glad you asked.  Let’s take a look at this week’s Bob Index and see if we can shed a little light on the situation vis a vis the life and mood of yours truly:

Day Job:  Busy and optimistic.  Score (out of 10):  7.5
Writing:  Had a productive month on the work-for-hire side, looking forward to writing an original story or two before starting in on a new novel.  Score:  8.5
E-books:  Just posted e-book #29, “Diary of a Maggot,” for the Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.  Nice lineup of titles, bringing us a score of 8.0
Travel:  Gearing up for a fantastic summer trip.  I live for travel, so this is a 10.0 all the way.
Weather:  Warming up, Spring is coming…but March in Central PA can be a real meteorological freakshow, so 5.0.
Family:  Folks coming home soon, minimal stresses at the moment:  6.5.
Psyche:  Had a rough January mood-wise, but February was better and my gut says March looks promising.  Make it 8.0.

Total Bob Index, Feb. 27:  7.64
Not bad, not bad.  Let’s see how things shake out this week; maybe we can goose that to 8.5 or better.  Not expecting any windfalls, pleasant surprises, long-awaited breakthroughs, but hey, you never know.  Keeping my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed to the best of my ability, plus snapping wishbones, knocking wood, blowing eyelashes off fingertips, etc.  Let’s go, March!