Week Ahead

April 12, 2009

Well, the Easter weekend is just about done.  As predicted, I have no writing to show for it…but hopefully, I’ve built up a charge that will help me power up the action-packed last section of my current novel.  I’m looking forward to jumping into it with both feet this week.  I really want to make it shine.

Meanwhile, my visitors for the weekend are still in the house and won’t be leaving till tomorrow morning.  That complicates my pre-work “get-ready,” but what can I do?  One good thing about having house guests and lots of in-law-related activities is that I’ll be glad to get back to my routine for the work week.  Routines can get tedious after a while, right?  But after a run of Easter weekend family craziness, I can’t wait to get back in the groove.

By the same token, I did have a bit of a transformative vision this weekend, and I’m still trying to process it.  Not sure if it’s a vision of a past life or an alternate reality or a possible future.  Not sure what to make of it, if anything.  Sometimes, it feels like the curtain is pulled away, and I get a glimpse of something…in this case, something powerful, that hits me where I live.  I wonder what it means.

Now for today’s photo.  This one’s a shot of me in New York City from January 2005.  Yes, I’m still very psyched about my June trip to NYC, and this is another reminder of that impending visit.  See you tomorrow.

New York City 2005

New York City 2005