Racing Toward The Finish

April 21, 2009

One of the things I tend to do when working on a novel is this:  as I hit the true home stretch, within a few thousand words of the finish, I write twice as much as usual.  I try like crazy to get to that finish line as quickly as possible.  That’s exactly what happened today.  Instead of my usual 1,000-1,200 words, I cranked out over 2,000.  I just hope they were good words, or great ones.  Now if only I can keep firing tomorrow.

But that’s uncertain, actually.  My father-in-law’s having a pacemaker implanted tomorrow, so I’ll likely be going to the hospital to see him at some point.  Then, Thursday night, I’m going out for a few drinks with friends from work; in other words, no writing Thursday night.  And my mom and dad, who’ve been in Florida since December, will be rolling back into town Saturday…so that day could be hectic.  Plus, I have assignments to do for the upcoming marketing workshop, and I just plain have to take care of some chores.  So it could get tricky here in the home stretch.  But I’m going to try my best to wrap the novel up before too many distractions come my way.

Now for today’s photo.  This one’s a shot of me in St. Mark’s Square in Venice, Italy, in 1997.  I’m standing at lower right of center, just below the bell tower of St. Mark’s Basilica.  I’m glad I got there when I did, because the city’s sinking these days.  I think the square’s mostly covered in water anymore.  See you tomorrow.

St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy, June 1997

St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy, June 1997