Revision Fevah!

August 27, 2009

There comes a time in every writer’s life when revisions are the order of the day!  When the process of writing something fresh from scratch must play second fiddle to tuning up existing work to make it better.  That’s the kind of time I’m hitting right now, as revisions take precedence over brand-new composition.  I’ve just finished revising one of my novels to prep it for submission to an editor.  Now, I have to revise another novel dramatically by September 10 to make it ready for a great opportunity.  Talk about a tough row to hoe!  I also have to finish revising a new short story and another, secret project.  It’s hard work, popping the hood and getting into the nuts and bolts, trying to make repairs to a manuscript…but it has to be done.  And the potential rewards if the revisions go well could be great.  So I’ll be revising up a storm this weekend, trying to make all the right changes and improve what I’ve written.  It’s called revision fevah, and I’ve got a bad case, that’s for sure!  See you soon!