Exclusive: Heroes of Global Warming!

March 25, 2011

My latest super-hero e-book is now on sale!  And I think you’re going to like it.  The title is Heroes of Global Warming, and the cover, by the redoubtable Ben Baldwin, looks like this:

The story goes like this:  The world’s hottest hero has gone rogue! In an age of global warming, super-heated hero Skillet looks like a lukewarm loser. But when his teammates, the Castigators, turn their backs on him, he turns the Castigators into prey. Let the hunt begin! Skillet becomes public enemy number one as he rounds up his former allies. But the secret plan behind his hunt might just save the world. The invention of evil genius Brain Fart could turn back the clock on global warming by melting down the high-powered do-gooders. Can Skillet capture the last of the heroes needed to charge the climate change reverser? Or will an out-for-blood super-hero hit squad cook his goose first? The hope of the future explodes in a fight to the death between the caped-and-cowled warriors of a doomed generation.

What do you think?  Sounds pretty exciting, huh?  I guarantee it’s packed with surprises, all-out action, comedy (Skillet and Brain Fart, right?), intense emotion, and climate change…plus a doozy of an ending.  You can order the Kindle version right here.  Order the Nook version right here.  And you can order other formats, including Apple, Kobo, and Sony E-reader, right here.  The price:  a mere 99 cents.

And here’s the kicker:  You won’t find this story anywhere else.  This is the first time it’s been published in any form, anywhere.  In fact, I just finished it a few weeks ago.  The only person who’s read it so far is the cover artist, Ben Baldwin.  So you’re getting a genuine exclusive here, for under a buck!  I hope you’ll give it a try.