Extra Time? Not for Long!

November 23, 2010

It isn’t often I get the gift of extra time.  More often, I end up with too many deadlines crunched too close together…too many chores stacking up on top of each other…not nearly enough time to accomplish what I’ve set out to accomplish.  But suddenly, out of the blue, I find myself with a bit of a gap in my schedule.  A book I was planning to write has fallen through, leaving me with extra time in the immediate future.  It’s a good feeling, but it doesn’t last long.  Already, a plethora of writing projects and chores is pressing into the gap, because my too-busy brain abhors a vacuum.  What will I start next?  A short story, perhaps, or better yet a new novel.  Or maybe I’ll iron out the problems with my new website or post some new e-books for sale, or…