Go Ahead! “Patreonize” Me!

November 6, 2019

Throughout history, artists, musicians, and authors have relied on the kindness of financial patrons to turn their creative passions into careers. Where would Leonardo DaVinci have been without the Medicis? Where would Beethoven and Mozart have been without Baron Gottfried van Swieten? Where would Shakespeare have been without Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton?

These days, if you love someone’s work, it easier than ever to help support them…and more rewarding. Thanks to the Patreon website, you can become a patron of your favorite artist, musician, author, or other creative type, donating what you like to help make their work possible. You don’t have to be an aristocrat, a noble, or a high-falutin’ millionaire. As little as a dollar a month can make a difference in a creator’s life.

Thanks to Patreon, you can also get awesome rewards for your sponsorship, making it all the more worthwhile. For instance, if you sponsor me on Patreon for $1 a month (the Planetary level), you’ll get early access to my blog, and I’ll mention you in my brand new weekly podcast, INTROVERTED EXHIBITIONIST. (My Patreon link is right here: https://www.patreon.com/RobertJeschonek)

For $5 a month, you’ll get even more. As long as you’re a patron at that level (the Stellar level), I’ll send you a weekly story, essay, comic script, or other piece of writing from the vault. I’ll also mention you in my latest electronic and paper books, plus give you early access to my blog and mention you in the INTROVERTED EXHIBITIONIST podcast.

Go up a notch to the $10 a month (Galactic) level, and you’ll get all that, plus a full-length monthly preview of my new story, novel, or comic before it’s published. And at the $25 (Universal) level, you get all that plus a monthly paperback book.

Pretty cool, right? Especially since I’ve got such huge plans for writing and publishing in the rest of 2019 and 2020. Let’s just say you’re gonna love the goodies you get as my patron, plus the extras I plan to throw in now and then to sweeten the deal.

This is the year when I step up and do the cool stuff I’ve been meaning to for so long, like the podcast, making this blog a regular thing, becoming more present on social media, and finally making my Patreon the awesome deal I’ve always meant it to be.

So check it out right here: https://www.patreon.com/RobertJeschonek

Go ahead! Patreonize me!

And if you’d like to listen to my podcast and see how cool it will be to be mentioned on it, check out the following links:

Buzzsprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com/689614/1980601-introverted-exhibitionist-episode-002

Apple iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introverted-exhibitionist-episode-002/id1485158626?i=1000455830165&mt=2&app=podcast

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/introverted-exhibitionist/e/65022980?autoplay=true

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS82ODk2MTQucnNz&episode=QnV6enNwcm91dC0xOTgwNjAx


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5DpbyaUrZJ2JvolrPHA1Xo