Have You Been Praying for More Heaven Bent?

February 18, 2012

The latest chapter of my weekly thriller serial, Heaven Bent, is now on sale!  Here’s the awesome cover by kick-butt Ben Baldwin:

You can buy it here for the Kindle, here for the Nook, and here for other e-reader devices.  And here’s the story in a nutshell:   Stag the movie star was on a roll. But when he ignored a warning from his future self, he ended up dead. At least he made it to Heaven–but it’s a Heaven unlike any he ever imagined, filled with dangers, secrets, and an incredible cast of friends and foes. In Part 3, Stag faces eternal damnation and something even more stressful:  a celebrity awards ceremony of the living dead. A famous rapper pal tells him he’s been drafted for a revolution against the powers that be, but a bigger blast rocks Stag’s world when the actress hosting the awards show unveils a bombshell of a surprise.