New Website Underway!

November 13, 2010

As you might have noticed, I’m in the process of redesigning my website.  I’ve also moved to a new host, and there’ve been some bumps along the way.  Hopefully, things will settle down soon, and we can all get back to business as usual.  Meanwhile, the banner and most everything else on my home page is totally temporary.  You’re right if you noticed it doesn’t seem to fit my style and content…but for now, it’s a matter of having something online instead of nothing at all.  Unfortunately, it’s been taking longer than I expected to pull this puppy together.  Though, actually, I guess I should say “fortunately,” because one of the reasons I haven’t finished the new site is that I’ve been busy with writing assignments.  That’s something I never consider a problem, because it’s always my first priority.  Sometimes, assignments are few and far between, so I’m pretty doggone happy that I’ve got enough that my website work has been delayed.  Anywho, I’m planning to make some progress this week, so maybe you’ll see the next stage in the redesign pretty soon.  Believe me, you won’t be sorry.  It’s going to be very, very cool.  Well worth the wait.  The start of the next phase of my web presence, which ought to make my former presence look like not much of a presence at all.  See you soon!