Now Hear This

January 27, 2011

So much of what we read and hear is hype.  Can things possibly be as good as people say they are?  No way, not all the time.  But once in a while, something lives up to the hype.  And this is one of those times.  You’re going to have to trust me on this.

Recently, I told you about a new podcast of one of my stories, “A Matter of Size,” on a show called The Drabblecast.  At the time, I had not yet listened to the production, so I couldn’t tell you what it was like.  But I’ve just listened to it, and I’m stunned.  Blown away.  It’s that good.  You’ve got to trust me on this one and check it out.

It’s not just a reading of the story.  It’s a full-blown audio drama, complete with multiple actors, music, and sound effects.  The producer/announcer/voice actor Norm Sherman puts on a hell of a show.  I can honestly say, even if someone else had written the story, I would have been knocked out by this production.

Set aside some time this weekend and give it a listen.  Search for “Drabblecast” on iTunes and download it there, or click on this link and listen to it through the Drabblecast website.  There’s an extended commercial at the beginning, followed by some introductory material, but my story starts after that.  It’s for mature listeners only, no kids, so clear out the little ones and crank up the volume.  You won’t be sorry.  This is one time the hype is for real.