Ode on a Stink Bug

November 27, 2010

It’s the return of Poetry Saturdays here at the Fictioneer!  Today’s piece is dedicated to my favorite little buggy friends, who won’t leave me alone:

Dear gray friend so triangular
So rough-shelled
So everywhere,
Climbing my siding my
Plaster my drapes,
Big as a cockroach, always catching my eye
With that moment of fear,
Following me every place I go
Whether home or hotel or restaurant,
Always willing to take aim and
Fly boldly straight for my face,
Wings buzzing like neon in the night,
Making me turn and look just in time
To get your punch right in the kisser,
But maybe that’s the whole idea.
Maybe you love me,
Just want to be near me,
Don’t want to be squished and flushed,
Giving up that last rancid puff of your stink bug