March 22, 2009
I watched the big Battlestar Galactica series finale Friday night, and it was great! Even better after I had a day or two to think it over. The writers and producers did a fantastic job of wrapping everything up, though they still left a mystery or two hanging after the end. (Who is Kara Thrace, anyway??) All in all, it was a finale that did not disappoint, and it gave me plenty of think about. (Spoiler Alert!) I’m especially caught by the idea that the people of the fleet landed in Africa and joined with the local humans to become our ancestors. It’s an idea that’s true to the original concept of the original Galactica series…that people from space were the predecessors of the great civilizations of the ancient world, like the Aztecs and Mayans. Just one problem: I’m already missing those wonderful characters and wishing we could see what happens to them next. How do these people, who just got done living on spaceships with very little relief for years, adapt to living in primitive conditions on the surface of an undeveloped planet? What happens to Lee Adama and all the rest? How do they survive and thrive and manage to become the seeds of our civilization? Sounds like the makings of some awesome tie-in fiction, if you ask me…
I also saw the MIckey Rourke movie The Wrestler, which was outstanding. It was mind-blowingly great, plain and simple. What a performance, and what a movie. I haven’t seen Milk yet, so I can’t compare it, but after seeing The Wrestler, I know Mickey deserves some kind of ultimate super-Oscar for his work. I simply can’t say enough good things about this movie. Go see it or rent it; you won’t be sorry. Wow.
Now for today’s travel photo, a shot of Wendy and me on the Maid of the Mist tour boat at Niagara Falls, Canada in August 2004. See you tomorrow!