August 20, 2009
I broke down and mowed the lawn today, though what I really wanted to do was finish my latest short story. That story has been dragged out beyond all reason, taking weeks instead of days to write, because I’ve written it in dribs and drabs…but darn it, that lawn had to be mowed. I’d put it off for at least two weeks, and it was getting high. If I’d waited a little longer, I wouldn’t have been able to mow through it! Plus which, the weather has been so uppity lately, I had to pounce when we got a brief dry spell this evening. So now it’s done, and I’m glad. I even enjoyed it, to an extent; I almost always enjoy doing yard work…getting fresh air and excercise. It’s a welcome change, given that I spend most of my time sitting in a chair at my day job and then at home when I’m writing fiction. But still. It sure would’ve been nice to finish that story. Hopefully, I can wrap it up this weekend. Then, next week, when my teacher wife starts back to work for the new school year, I’ll get back on a more stable schedule, and I can kick my writing up a few notches into high gear again. Can’t wait to write that next novel…oh, yeah! See you soon!