Two Dead Mice!

January 17, 2011

That’s right!  Two down!  After last night’s discovery of mice in the garage and basement of my home, I set out the traps and hoped for the best.  Sure enough, I caught one mouse in the garage and one in the basement.  Tonight, I reset three traps, baited with delicious peanut butter, and am wondering if they’ll be full when I go downstairs in the morning.  Did I get them all with the first round of traps?  Or are there more lurking about, waiting to make their presence known?  My gut tells me we’re done with the current wave of pests, but I should have a better idea tomorrow.  And, hopefully, my wife will have a calmer disposition.  Mice truly make her crazy, and not in a good way.  It’s up to me to bring back peace in the house and restore her to a state of tranquility.  Cross your fingers that I can say “Mission accomplished!” tomorrow morning.